The Management of Malolactic Fermentation and Quality of Wine

Franco France 35,00 € Franco tous pays 40,00 €
Auteur(s) auteurs Colloque Lallemand N°6 - Vérone 1998
Nb pages nb_pages 96
Année d'édition anneedition 1998
Langue(s) langues N/A
Autres versions disponibles versions_disponibles Aucune
Récompenses recompenses Non
Franco France price 35,00 €
Franco tous pays price_expo 40,00 €



In 1991 Lallemand promoted an international symposium in Rome (Italy) on malolactic fermentation, where some researchers presented preliminary results on bacteria metabolism and several systems for promoting malolactic fermentation (MLF) in wine.

Since then, much progress has been made on this topic: several freeze-dried cultures of Oenococcus oenii are now commercially available in easy-to-use forms, and scientific research has shown the bacteria strain can influence a wines final color, aroma and mouthfeel. These recent findings coincide with the increasing winemaker demand for a more controlled management of MLF kinetics, and in particular the influence on the final quality of wine.

Lallemarid felt the timing was right for a follow-up symposium, with the goal of gathering experiences developed in different countries and of promoting communication and collaboration among researchers working on the MLF topic.

The April 1998 meeting, which took place in Verona, Italy, has been very useful to better understand the sensory effect of MLF carried out with selected strains of ML bacteria, and to define the main areas to focus our future research and development.

Lallemand would like to share with winemakers the richness of the papers presented at Verone, by printing a special issue including the original and full versions of the presentations made during the symposium.


  • Taxonomy of malolactic bacteria and biological control of spoilage microorganisms in wine
    L.M.T. Dicks, H. Schoeman, M.A. Vivier, I.S. Pretorcus
  • Modification of wine flavor by malolactic fermentation
    TH. Henick-Kling, T.E. Acree
  • Le point sur la maitrise de la fermentation malolactique par l’ensemencemeni bacterien des vins
    V. Gerbaux
  • Impiego di primers specie-specifici per lidentificazione di Oenococcus oeni
    F. Dellaglio, G. Zapparoli, P. Pesente, S. Torriani
  • Prova di induzione della fermentazione malolaitica medianie inoculo direifo di colture di Oenococcus oeni ceppo EQ54 (1 step e MBR)
    A. Gandin, L Conterno
  • Influenza di diversi starter di batteri maiolattici sulla qualita del vino
    I. Rosi, P. Domizio, S. Ferrari, S. Zini, M. Picchi
  • Eficacia de la siembra de preparados comerciales de bacterias lacticas y su influencia sobre las caracteristicas del vino
    C.D. Catania, S. Avagnina de del Monte
  • Malolactic fermentation in chile- current situation and recent research initiatives
    E. Bordeu Schwarze
  • Isolation and selection of malolactic bacteria and effect of pesticides
    A. Bordons with M. Carme Masque, M. Vidal
  • Induccion de la fermentacion malolactica en vinos de la D.O. Navarra (Espana)
    M.C. Gonzalez, B. Colombo, J.A. Sdarez Lepe, A.T. Palacios
  • Influence of tank size on alcoholic fermentation, malolactic fermentation and sensory appearance of resulting wines
    M.K. Grossmann, C. Heinemeyer
  • Induction of malolactic fermentation with starter cultures a california prospective
    R.E. Kunkee
  • Selection and use of malo-lactic starter cultures for the maturation of cider
    P. Mitchell
  • Arginine metabolism in wine lactic acid bacteria and its practical signifiance
    S.-Q. Liu, G.J. Pilone
  • Study on population dynamics of Oenococcus oeni in wines by using RFLP-PFGE
    I. Pardo, A. Rodas, S. Ferrer
Wine Quality and Malolactic Fermentation

Wine Quality and Malolactic Fermentation

Franco France 35,00 € Franco tous pays 40,00 €
Les aspects microbiologiques de la fermentation malolactique

Les aspects microbiologiques de la fermentation malolactiqueN°1 - Montpellier 1993 - Lallemand

Franco France 35,00 € Franco tous pays 40,00 €